Saturday, October 04, 2008

Hello friends and Family! Looks like i can figure out how to add a post or upload a pic once a year. Today is that day! Hurray!  Once i get the hang of this sight i will be post more news specifically about "My Family" or Jeff & I.  If only i could find out how to add my friends websight links i would bet set for a moment. 

I am living in Utah and doing great. I love my husband, my calling, my job and of course my life. I am soaking all of General Conference up. There are so many wonderful lessons to learn from. 

I will post a reply again. Hope all is well and am excited for the fall festivities. 

Love, Erica


The Hiller Family said...

I love the title of the blog... InnZaine is great... are you really "insane"! Did you hear about Alycia having her baby!? You should come up one day you have free to see her even though she is still in NICU you can go up with Alycia to see her! So cute! Thanks for trying to update your blog! I am glad you got the hang of it! Miss you! How is YW going???

Inn Zaine's said...

I hope their baby is doing okay. I can't believe she was so early. What a shocker! All is well Eagles Mt. I will continue to try to create and build up this page, so Jeff and I have our own sight to infor people from. YW is going really well. I love all my callings i've had. There is a stake training tonight i'm going to. Hey, thanks again for all your help in picking me up, letting me eat and sleep at your house and being my friend. I will return the fav anytime. Love Ya, Erica

Inn Zaine's said...

Heidi, how do i add links on my sight to your blog and other friends? Love Ya girl, Erica

The Hiller Family said...

Erica, It's just me again!

I am in need of an Erica overload! I need Zaine updates! I need to see you again too! When do you guys want to come up and see us!!?? We can have you over for dinner!

Anyway... put some more updates on here!! Love you!