Saturday, August 22, 2009

Is this thing working!?!?

What is it about having a kid that makes Mother's do crafty stuff. You heard it right. After having our miscarriage in December we found out we are pregnant again and due in early February. Our ultra-sound showed that we are having a BABY BOY!! We are So excited!! We will keep you all posted.
Love from The Zaine's


Sally said...

Congrats!! I'm so excited for you! Boys are so much fun! You're going to be such a fun and cute mommy!! Love you guys! PS I'm glad you're posting again!!

The Hiller Family said...

I'm with Sally... glad you are posting again!

Aaron and Carolyn said...

Hooray, Hooray! Congrats to the previous Sister Horning :)

Where are you at now- we need to catch up!